Tuesday, May 27, 2014

30 Weeks

How far along? 30 Weeks
Sleep: Good, since I am tired all of the time!
Best moment this week: Going up north and spending a long weekend at the cabin!
Belly button in or out? My belly button is still “In” but it definitely doesn’t look the same anymore.
Wedding rings on or off? *NEW* Adding this category in this week! Rings are still on but have to come off when I am outside in the hot weather for a long period of time due to swelling.
Miss anything? Going out on the 4 wheeler and not having to worry about how many bumps I go over!     
Gender: BOY!!! Parker Torosian
 Symptoms: Movements are getting stronger. I can tell that things must be starting to get really tight in there for him since movements seem to be getting fairly strong and they seem to happen all over vs a particular spot. The other day I was laying down on my side somewhat and he kicked my ribs and it physically hurt to where I said “OWE” out loud. I’m not sure how much stronger he is going to get in the next 10 weeks, but I hope it’s not going to feel like it did when he kicked my ribs! My belly has also started to itch quite a bit so I make sure to put lots of lotion on the growing belly.
This week baby is the size of a: large cabbage
Baby’s development this week: Eye are continuing to mature. Babies are mostly born with a vision of 20/400 which means he can only see objects a few inches from his face.  He should measure to about 16 inches and weigh about 3 lbs.
Feeling (Happy, Moody, other):  Excited!

Looking forward to: 7 month check up tomorrow, May 28. After this appointment, I’ll start going every 2 weeks. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

29 Weeks

How far along? 29 Weeks
Sleep: Good, since I am tired all of the time!
Best moment this week: My best moment this past week has been soaking up the warmer weather and sunshine and getting the crib set up
Food cravings this week: Rice Krispy treats
Belly button in or out? My belly button is still “In” but it definitely doesn’t look the same anymore.
Miss anything? This week I miss being able to easily go for a ‘normal’ walk. A normal walk consists of a walk over 1 mile and not getting so tired, as well as not having to feel like I have to pee every 10 minutes!    
Gender: BOY!!! Parker Torosian
 Symptoms: Lots of movement!! Movements seem to have gotten pretty strong lately. He seems to hang out right where my bra wire and belly meet & also by my ribs which make it really uncomfortable when he’s moving around. If you watch closely you can see my belly move or poke out where he is moving. Since being pregnant I wasn’t too fond knowing that something is living & moving inside my belly, but I have actually grown quite fond of feeling him move. It’s not the most comfortable feeling by any means, but I take comfort in knowing that he is moving and doing ok. I get very worried when I don’t feel him for a long period of time and begin to slightly panic over the thought that something could be wrong. I realize in those moments just how attached I am to this little guy and we haven’t even met each other yet.  
This week baby is the size of a: Butternut Squash
Baby’s development this week: Muscles and lungs are continuing to mature. His head is also growing bigger for his developing brain.  He should measure to about 15 inches and weigh about 2 ½ lbs.
New baby items (purchased or received):  I ordered a moose rug and a black bear decoration/knick knack. The head on the moose rug is about the size of Sasha! (Pictures below)
Feeling (Happy, Moody, other):  Excited! 11 weeks doesn’t seem so far away, but when I think that I still have to finish May, and then go through June & July then that makes 11 weeks seem so far away.   

Looking forward to: This weekend, Memorial Day weekend! Headed up north to the cabin for a long weekend! Weather is expected to be in the 70’s with a low of 50’s! Perfect weather to be at the cabin.
Black Bear knick knack. 

Moose Rug. I had Lacey lay on the rug just so you could see howl large the moose rug is. Also can you find Sasha in this picture???? She is hiding!  You'll notice a little face to the right of Lacey's front paws and hiding under the blue blanket! 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Look what came yesterday!!!

Helping dad set up the crib! 

Finished product! 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

28 Weeks = 7 Months

How far along? 28 Weeks = 7 months!
Sleep: I’m starting to have a hard time getting out of bed!
Best moment this week: Got to see Parker on Friday May 9th! Another great moment this week is no more Placenta Previa!!! Woo hoo.   
Food cravings this week: Ice cream and sherbert. (Not together)
Belly button in or out? My belly button is still “In” but it definitely doesn’t look the same anymore.
Miss anything? Cutting grass! It’s weird that I miss this since we have to do it so often, but I do enjoy getting on the mower and cutting grass for a few hours.   
Gender: BOY!!! Parker Torosian
 Symptoms: Lots of movement!!
This week baby is the size of a: large Eggplant
Baby’s development this week: This week he is able to open and close his eyes for blinking.  He should measure to about 14.8 inches and weighs 2lbs 1/4oz.
New baby items (purchased or received):  Ordered the crib! Can’t wait to get it set up once it arrives!  I received a call this morning and the crib is in!! YAY Now to track down a carpenter who can help get it set up! Anyone know where I can find one?! J   
Feeling (Happy, Moody, other):  Getting really anxious!
Looking forward to: Getting the crib set up!
Other Things Going On:  What an eventful week this past week!! On May 9th CJ and I went in for my follow up ultrasound, where we received great news! My Placenta Previa has moved upwards no longer putting me at high risk for bed rest! The ultrasound person did a full scan of baby and everything is looking good and he is expected to weigh about 2lb 4oz. YAY! I also requested for one of those 4D ultrasounds, which will allow you to see actual facial and body parts. From looking at the picture, I think baby may have CJ’s mouth, the rest of the features are too hard to tell whose parts he has! He’s pretty snug in my belly, so when you see the picture that I posted, you will see half of his face, plus his left arm, and a foot up near his face. At one point he had both feet up by his face and was even sucking on a toe…I do not have a picture of that pose.

Saturday, May 10th, CJ and I attended an all day baby class. We learned the sings of labor, ways to cope with making labor more comfortable by being in different positions (laying on the side, rocking on an exercise ball, walking, etc), what to expect during the labor process, delivery, postpartum, and newborn care. The class was pretty helpful to both of us as there were things that we both did not know. I personally am a little scared of the labor and delivery process because I do not know what to expect. I learned that just because your water breaks, it does not mean you are in labor & you need to rush to the hospital. I also did not know that just because you are 10 CM dilated and are pushing, it does not mean that baby will be here in a couple of pushes, but could take up to a couple hours! I guess ‘in the movies’ they make it seem like once your water breaks, you are going to have a baby, and a couple of pushes they are here! By the end of the class I now feel a bit more prepared for any medical decisions CJ and I need to make once we get closer to Parker’s arrival.  

CJ and I also now have a new permanent resident in our house. Her name is Sasha and she is 1 year old, very sweet, loves to play with Lacey, and likes to snuggle. Yes, we now have a new furbaby in our house. Zach and Kaylee (CJ’s brother and sister in law) were blessed with Cooper’s arrival in late February this year, but it turns out they believe that Cooper may be allergic to Sasha. Since Grandma and Grandpa Torosian were in California visiting Cooper, they were easily able to bring Sasha back to WI with them. It’s been a bit of an adjustment having another dog in the home and learning each other’s routine, but each day seems to be getting a little easier. I have never had a little dog before so I am learning how to care for a dog that is 3x smaller than Lacey and have to be more conscious about where I’m stepping so I don’t accidentally step on her. Lucky for us Lacey has been a pretty good teacher so far in helping out  with the daily routines such as when to eat, when to go in the kennel, and when to go outside. Sasha was pretty skiddish of Lacey at first, but each day they both seem to get a bit more playful with each other. Lacey is all tuckered out from playing! 

This past Sunday I celebrated my first ‘semi official’ Mother’s Day this year. Other years I have just been a fur baby mom to Lacey! For Mother’s Day, CJ made me a wine rack made out of a wooden pallet to hang in our kitchen. I’ve been asking him to make one for me for quite a while. I’m excited that I finally got one even though I will not be enjoying any wine for a couple months yet.  Mine is a bit bigger, but I posted the “Pinterest” version as an example, plus mine has not been hung yet! 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

27 Weeks + 3rd Trimester!

How far along? 27 Weeks = 3rd Trimester. 13 weeks to go!
Maternity clothes: You betcha
Sleep: Better than last weeks post! I’m starting to have a hard time getting out of bed! Having a  temperpedic bed does not help as the mattress molds to my body making it really hard to get out of bed. I’m sure it’s going to get much worse as the belly gets bigger!
Best moment this week: Went wedding dress shopping with Mandee (best friend) for her wedding next June! She sure looked pretty!  
Food cravings this week: None really
Belly button in or out? My belly button is still “In” but it definitely doesn’t look the same anymore.
Miss anything? Volleyball, since it starts this week.
Gender: BOY!!! Parker Torosian
 Symptoms: Lots of movement!!
This week baby is the size of a: head of cauliflower
Baby’s development this week: He should be sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing his eyes and may even be sucking on his fingers (which he better enjoy that now because he won’t be sucking on his fingers once he arrives!) He should measure to about 14 ½ inches and about 2lbs.
New baby items (purchased or received):  Basket full of misc. clothes and bibs that Grandma Torosian got from someone.   
Feeling (Happy, Moody, other):  Getting really anxious! I am also starting to get really nervous about the labor and delivery process. It seems very scary.
Looking forward to: May 9th!  

Other Things Going On:  The nursery room is all painted (light tan) and there are now a couple of things hung on the wall, thanks to my handy carpenter! So far we have hung my bow (which is a Parker brand of course) and a craft that I made. See pictures below of the messy but painted room and the craft (sorry for the glare)!  The craft is hung on the wall next to the mirrors and the window on the right. We have the bow hanging above the mirrors, but I do not have a picture of that yet. 

Friday, May 2, 2014

26 Weeks

How far along? 26 weeks. If I counted right….I should have 93 days to go! Whoo hoo double digits!
Maternity clothes? You betcha, the belly is finally showing! 
Sleep: Not so good lately. I haven’t slept very ‘sound’ the past couple of nights. I wake up several times in the middle of the night to toss and turn.   
Best moment this week: My mom and sister got to feel Parker move.  I also got to have dinner and catch up with some of my SCJ pals! I am glad to have had the chance to work with such great people and maintained a friendship with them.
Food cravings this week: Brownies
Belly button in or out? Adding this category to the list this week. My belly button is still “IN” but it definitely doesn't look the same anymore as it previously has.
Miss anything? With softball and volleyball leagues starting up for the summer I am very saddened that I have to sit this year out. What a bummer considering these two things are some of my top favorite things to do.
 Symptoms: Lots of movement!! He’s discovered my ribs this past week and will typically push on them several times throughout the day. It kind of tickles right now, but I am sure will get more painful once he gets bigger and stronger. CJ and I have also discovered that if we watch closely, we can see my stomach bulge in the place that I am being kicked. It’s really exciting to know that he is moving around and I love that I can ‘see’ him. On the other hand, I kind of get creeped out when I look at my bare stomach and I see him move. I feel like there is an alien in there! J But I do seem to get more enjoyment out of him moving around than being creeped out.
This week baby is the size of a: scallion (looks like a green onion)
Baby’s development this week: He is starting to inhale and exhale amniotic fluid. He should be able to hear my voice and the people that I talk to. Also, just in case you felt like you were missing this information from your life: his testicles should begin to descend into his scrotum which will take 2-3 months to happen. He should measure to about 14 inches and about 1 2/3 pound – 2lbs.
New baby items (purchased or received):  Lots of goodies this week! He received a ‘turtle onesie’ from Auntie Mandee (the turtle is an inside joke because Mandee drives like a turtle when backing up in our driveway), a hand me down crib mattress from another friend. Also from my wonderful SCJ friends they bought: a bumbo seat & tray (it is a foam seat that he will be able to sit in once he can sit up), 2 outfits w/ an elephant on it, 1 elephant sleeper, and a matching elephant receiving blanket. 
Feeling (Happy, Moody, other):  Getting really anxious! I am also starting to get really nervous about the labor and delivery process. It seems very scary.
Looking forward to: May 9th!  
Other Things Going On:  What’s on May 9th? Back at our anatomy scan on March 14th,  CJ and I were informed that I have ‘Placenta Previa’ which means that my placenta is laying very low and is covering my cervix. Having this condition puts me at a greater risk for bleeding throughout the pregnancy and may lead to me having a C-section to avoid hemorrhaging during a regular birth. If I start to bleed any time throughout the pregnancy, I will most likely be put on bed rest as there is really no way to control the condition besides resting.
There are 3 different forms of this Previa. There is one that is called ‘marginal’ which is where the placenta is next to the cervix but not covering it.  Then there is the ‘partial’ which semi covers the cervix, and then there is the ‘complete’ Previa which fully covers the cervix. I of course have the ‘complete’ Previa which puts me at a high risk for bleeding at some point during the pregnancy. I was told that I do not need to change any of my daily activities for the time being but if I start bleeding I need to be examined immediately. The only restriction I have is no sex. (Sorry for the TMI!)
The doctor expects that I have an 80% chance of the Previa moving upwards on its own since it is my first pregnancy, but if it has not moved by May 9th then she will recommend that I have a C section closer to the due date for both mine and Parker’s health. I went in for my monthly check up on Wednesday, and she was really amazed that I have not yet had any bleeding yet. I consider that a plus!
I have been pretty worked up and very worried since finding out, but I know there is nothing that I can really do. I try to take things easy and make sure that I get enough rest. I definitely hope that I do not get put on bed rest as I would love to spend my 12 weeks by being with Parker and not just waiting for Parker while sitting in a hospital bed!  
So to recap, the worst case scenario would be that I was put on bed rest and most likely have a c-section. The good news, Parker would probably be here as soon as mid July  vs August! Of course all of this information is still up in the air because we have to see how I’ve progressed, but it is something that I have been very worried about for the past 7 weeks.
Keep your fingers crossed that we receive better news on May 9th!  On the other hand I’d love for Parker to come in July because then I don’t have to wait until August!

One last update, I had the much dreaded Glucose test on Wednesday at my monthly check up. The Glucose test is where I have to drink that sugary drink and they draw blood 1 hour later to see if I have gestational diabetes. I’ve always heard that this is a dreaded test among pregnant people and the drink you have to drink is horrible. Since I had a horrible picture in my head about this test, I too was a little worried about having this test done, but I personally did not think the drink was too bad. It basically tasted like the juice from a melted Orange “Freeze-Ice Popsicle.” I received the results yesterday and I do NOT have Gestational Diabetes! Yay!