Tuesday, August 5, 2014

40 Weeks

How far along? 40 Weeks
Sleep: Good
Belly button in or out? Even with the rest of my belly
Wedding rings on or off? On, most days unless it’s really hot outside. We went to the state fair on Saturday when it was hot and I ended up having my mom wear my diamond because my fingers were so swollen!
Gender: BOY!!! Parker Torosian
 Symptoms: Lots of movement with me getting kicked in my side by a foot/heel.
This week baby is the size of a: mini watermelon
 Baby’s development this week: He should measure just about 21 inches & weigh a little over 7 ½  lbs.
New baby items (purchased or received):  Went to a rummage sale of someone we know and bought a few 6-9 month outfits, an umbrella stroller, and one of those baby backpacks that you can carry baby in.
Feeling (Happy, Moody, other):  SOOOO excited!
Looking forward to: Parker arriving! Still waiting....

Other Things Going On:  

Last Friday I had my 39 week appointment and the doctor said that there was no change in my progress. Baby is still head down, I’m still 50% effaced, and not dilated. This little stinker does not want to meet us yet apparently! At least I have some peace at knowing that if Parker does not come during week, he will be getting evicted by Sunday, August 10th (Per Dr’s orders!)!  Stay tuned as Parker will be making an appearance soon whether he likes it or not! J

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

39 Weeks

How far along? 39 Weeks
Sleep: Good
Best moment this week: Parker’s room is all put back together. With all of the gifts that we received at the last shower, I wasn’t sure if I would ever be able to find a “home” for all of the new items, but I did! Our house is now decked out in baby items! CJ also installed the car seat in my car this week and set up the pack and play where he will sleep for the first few weeks.
Belly button in or out? Even with the rest of my belly
Wedding rings on or off? On
Gender: BOY!!! Parker Torosian
 Symptoms: Lots of movement with me getting kicked in my side by a foot/heel.
This week baby is the size of a: mini watermelon! (time to come out little guy!!)
 Baby’s development this week: He should measure just about 20 inches & weigh a little over 7 lbs.
New baby items (purchased or received):  None this week
Feeling (Happy, Moody, other):  SOOOO excited!

Looking forward to: Parker arriving! Hopefully he will arrive any day now

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

38 Weeks

How far along? 38 Weeks
Sleep: Good, minus having to wake up at least once a night, but I guess that’s pretty easy considering what is about to come!
Best moment this week: We had our 3rd and final baby shower this weekend hosted by the Pertiles/Torosians.
Belly button in or out? Even with the rest of my belly.
Wedding rings on or off? On, but with it being so hot out the past 2 days, I had to take 1 band off in order for my finger to fit comfortably. I knew there was a reason why I didn’t solder both bands to my engagement ring!
Gender: BOY!!! Parker Torosian
 Symptoms: Lots of movement with me getting kicked in my side by a foot/heel.
This week baby is the size of a: Leek
 Baby’s development this week: He should measure just about 19 ½ inches & weigh about 6.8 lbs.
New baby items (purchased or received):  Received LOTS and LOTS of gifts this weekend for our baby shower. I received things likes blankies, small bottle set, nuks, clothes (majority were bigger sizes, which is exactly what we needed!), toys (infant-toddler), baby monitor, books, baby care products (such as bath wash, lotion, and baby powder), Handmade quilt with Parker’s name embroidered, and gift cards! This little boy sure is loved, and CJ and I are extremely fortunate to have so many people who love us and have been willing to buy us gifts to help care for this little guy.
Feeling (Happy, Moody, other):  SOOOO excited!
Looking forward to: Parker arriving! Also looking forward to getting the room organized and all of the gifts put away. The room was clean until the shower! J

Other Things Going On:  

Last Friday I had my 37 week appointment and the doctor said that there was no change in my progress. Baby is still head down, I’m still 50% effaced, and not dilated. I was pretty bummed as I had hoped there would have been a little bit more progress than ‘no change.’ We’ll see what this week brings. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

37 Weeks

How far along? 37 Weeks
Sleep: Good, minus having to wake up at least once a night, but I guess that’s pretty easy considering what is about to come!
Best moment this week: Finished a big project for Parker’s room (Pic included below)
Belly button in or out? slightly slanted but still in
Wedding rings on or off? On
Gender: BOY!!! Parker Torosian
 Symptoms: I felt another hiccup session this past week. Lots of movement.  
This week baby is the size of a: bunch of swiss chard (?) Not sure what that is!
 Baby’s development this week: He should measure just about 19 inches & weigh about 6 1/3   lbs.
New baby items (purchased or received):  Purchased a few larger outfits that were on sale for Parker to wear next summer. Right now Parker has about as many 0-3 months clothes as I do in my closet!
Feeling (Happy, Moody, other):  SOOOO excited!
Looking forward to: 3rd and final baby shower this weekend! I am just missing all of the “feeding” items, so I am really hoping to get everything we need in order to feed Parker since I plan to pump and then bottle feed.

Other Things Going On:  
Last Friday I had my 36 week appointment and the doctor confirmed that baby is head down and in position. I am not dilated yet, but my cervix has thinned to 5o%. That means baby is starting to get ready to arrive! Woo hoo! I know everyone is as excited as CJ and I are to finally meet this little guy. I now start weekly doctor appointments so hopefully that will help pass the time.
Saturday, CJ and I did a ‘baby tour’ as I like to call it which is basically a hospital tour so when the time comes we know where to go! The tour brought comfort in knowing where I will need to go, what the labor & delivery, recovery, and nursery rooms all look like. My hope is that everything will start progressing while I am at work so I can just  get wheeled over to the labor & delivery room!

As of last night, I officially have Parker’s and my hospital bag packed. Parker’s going home outfits are still up for debate though as I keep changing my mind, I’m also keeping an open mind to see if I get a ‘winner’ at the shower this weekend! CJ does not have any of his belongings packed yet, but I assume he will pack within the next week or so. 
CJ's first "Dad's Day" gift arrived!
It says 'you are the greatest dad in the world! Love Parker"

One of the projects that CJ and I completed this week. CJ placed old barn wood together and I decorated it.
This hangs over Parker's crib on the wall. Sorry for the fuzzy picture! 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

36 Weeks = 9 Months! Final Month!!

How far along? 36 Weeks = 9 months FINAL MONTH & considered “early term”  
Sleep: Good, minus having to wake up at least once a night, but I guess that’s pretty easy considering what is about to come!
Best moment this week: Going up north again for a 3 day weekend over 4th of July! Being able to pontoon most of the day Friday! Also watching the fireworks from the pontoon boat on the lake.
Belly button in or out? slightly slanted but still in
Wedding rings on or off? On as long as the swelling stays down
Gender: BOY!!! Parker Torosian
 Symptoms: Felt baby hiccup for the first time this past week! They lasted about 2-3 minutes and felt like a rhythmic pulse. I was beginning to think I wouldn’t feel hiccups as not every baby gets hiccups in the womb! My other new symptom is the swollen ankles. If I stand on my feet too long or get too hot my right ankle tends to swell leaving me with a cankle! L Usually with lots of elevating & cooler weather the swelling goes down and looks like a normal ankle again! 
This week baby is the size of a: head of romaine lettuce
 Baby’s development this week: He should measure just over 18 1/2 inches & weigh about 5 ¾  lbs. He should gain an ounce a week until he is born. Baby should be head down by now, but I haven’t felt too many rib kicks lately so I am not really sure if he is or not. I’ll find out more on Friday.
New baby items (purchased or received):  None
Feeling (Happy, Moody, other):  Happy as Parker should be here within the next 3 weeks

Looking forward to: I go in for my 36 week checkup this week along with seeing if I am progressing at all. The appointment isn’t until Friday, so stay tuned until next weeks posting! 

Couple pictures to share from this past week: 
Hard day of pontooning on the lake up north at the cabin

Wine rack is finally up in the kitchen!!  How awesome does this look?!  Now I just need to stock up on the wine! 

36 Weeks! Parker should be here soon! 

Snapshot of past 4 months

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

35 Weeks

How far along? 35 Weeks
Sleep: Semi ok, besides getting up at least once a night to go to the bathroom
Best moment this week: Took 2 vacation days and headed north to the cabin for a nice long weekend to celebrate my birthday! My birthday was pretty complete as it was spent enjoying biscuits & gravy for breakfast, spent time on the pontoon boat in the water (even though CJ couldn’t get it running as the boat has been sitting in a storage unit for quite a few years), having pizza that was cooked in a dutch oven over the fire. CJ also impressed me by baking a cake in the dutch oven as well! Once the cake cooled off, we frosted the cake. Everything sure tasted delicious! Couldn’t have asked for a better place to celebrate my birthday.
Belly button in or out? My belly button is still “In” but slightly slanted
Wedding rings on or off? On
Miss anything? Not this week     
Gender: BOY!!! Parker Torosian
 Symptoms: Getting up once a night to go to the bathroom & HOT body temperature wise. My belly also seems to be getting quite large!  
This week baby is the size of a: Honeydew melon
 Baby’s development this week: Kidneys have fully developed, and his liver is processing some waste. His body is filling out as he gains more weight. He should measure just over 18 inches & weigh about 5 ¼ lbs.
New baby items (purchased or received):  None
Feeling (Happy, Moody, other):  Happy

Looking forward to: This weekend! Heading up north again for a long weekend since CJ and I both have Friday off due to July 4th. CJ took the pontoon boat to a marine motor person to take a look at the boat over the week and get it running. Hopefully the boat will be ready by the 4th so we can actually drive around the lake instead of just having the boat docked at the pier! 

Parker's Curtains (bad lighting)

View from the cabin

Birthday Cake! 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

34 Weeks

How far along? 34 Weeks
Sleep: Semi ok, besides getting up at least once a night to go to the bathroom
Best moment this week: CJ’s cousin Katie came over with her 4 month ‘new’ daughter! CJ and I enjoyed the company and spending time with baby! I also assembled the swing and the lounger! (It officially looks like a baby will be joining us soon as the whole house is filling up with baby items!)
Belly button in or out? My belly button is still “In” but it definitely close to being equal with my belly!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Miss anything? Not this week     
Gender: BOY!!! Parker Torosian
 Symptoms: Getting up once a night to go to the bathroom. Possibly nesting. HOT! – It’s amazing how much warmer my body gets. It’s much different than what I normally would be as I’m normally saying I’m cold! Lately I’ve been saying I’m super hot and CJ says he is comfortable.
This week baby is the size of a: Cantaloupe!
 Baby’s development this week: Lungs  continue to mature, and his body is filling out as he gains more weight. He should measure to about 18 inches & weigh about 4 ¾ lbs.
New baby items (purchased or received):  None
Feeling (Happy, Moody, other):  Happy

Looking forward to: This weekend! Up north for a long weekend to celebrate my birthday! 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

33 Weeks

How far along? 33 Weeks
Sleep: Semi ok, besides getting up at least once a night to go to the bathroom. I need to turn the air on in the house! It’s too hard to sleep now with it being so hot outside this week!
Best moment this week: Organized Parker’s room! It’s now as clean and put together as possible. (For now!) 
Belly button in or out? My belly button is still “In” but it definitely close to being equal with my belly!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Miss anything? Not this week     
Gender: BOY!!! Parker Torosian
 Symptoms: Getting up once a night to go to the bathroom. Possibly nesting. I feel like I need to clean a bunch of things before Parker comes.
This week baby is the size of a: Pineapple
 Baby’s development this week: He should measure to about 17 inches and weigh about 4lbs.
New baby items (purchased or received):  Little “Monkey” booties. They are little shoes that have a monkey on each foot.  
Feeling (Happy, Moody, other):  Pretty ornery. Must be the hormones?? Zero patience!

Looking forward to: Next weekend! Up north for a long weekend to celebrate my birthday!

Friday, June 13, 2014

32 Week Picture + Baby Shower Cake!

Cake that I had at my baby shower. Compliments go to my sister Kristin on making this amazing cake!

32 Weeks! Parker is getting big! :) 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

32 Weeks = 8 Months!

How far along? 32 Weeks =  8 months!
Sleep: Semi ok. I am not getting up at least once a night to go to the bathroom.
Best moment this week: Had my first baby shower! Parker and I were showered with lots of really nice gifts.  
Belly button in or out? My belly button is still “In” but it definitely close to being equal with my belly!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Miss anything? Not this week     
Gender: BOY!!! Parker Torosian
 Symptoms: Getting up once a night to go to the bathroom. Possibly nesting. I feel like I need to clean a bunch of things before Parker comes. I am not sure if that is considered nesting or me just trying to have the house clean and organized as much as possible before he arrives.
This week baby is the size of a: Jicama???
 Baby’s development this week: He should now have finger and toenails. Hair/peach fuzz should also be present now. He should measure to about 16.7 inches and weigh about 3 ¾ lbs.
New baby items (purchased or received):  Lots of things like: a Pack and Play, little lounger, swing, extra car seat base, onsies/outfits, blankets, bathtub fun toys along with baby wash and lotions, toys, teethers, diaper bag, diapers, wipes
Feeling (Happy, Moody, other):  Pretty crabby and ornery. Must be the hormones?? Zero patience!
Looking forward to: Getting Parker’s room clean and organized. I also need CJ’s help in finishing off hanging the curtains and one final project so his room can be complete.

I still owe you guys an updated belly picture for 8 months! I’ll post one as soon as I can get CJ to take one for me. 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

31 Weeks

How far along? 31 Weeks
Sleep: Good, since I am tired all of the time!
Best moment this week: Went in for my 7 month check up last week Wednesday & the dr. said that everything was still looking good & heartbeat was 150. I will now start going to appointments every 2 weeks vs every month. That’s a pretty exciting mile marker to hit!  CJ and I also went to the Brewer Game with Mandee and Ryan. It’s always a fun time when we spend time with them! CJ and I also got the garden and flowers planted. I can’t take any credit for the garden though as he did all the hard work!
Belly button in or out? My belly button is still “In” but it definitely close to being equal with my belly!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Miss anything? A margarita from El Fuego! 2 more months and I can have one!     
Gender: BOY!!! Parker Torosian
 Symptoms: No new symptoms to report other than the movements are getting stronger as he is growing.
This week baby is the size of a: Coconut
 Baby’s development this week: He can now turn his head from side to side. His body is also starting to plump up a little bit. He should measure to about 16 inches and weigh about 3 ½ lbs.
New baby items (purchased or received):  Curtains! I had curtains made in fabric that I had picked out at JoAnn Fabric. I am absolutely in love with them! I will include a picture once CJ hangs them for me.
Feeling (Happy, Moody, other):  Pretty crabby and ornery. Must be the hormones?? I don’t seem to have patience for anything so in return I get crabby!

Looking forward to: This weekend! Glow Run (or walk in my case!) on Saturday night with my mom, Kristin, Jennifer, Brooke, Mandee, & Diana (Mandee’s mom). The walk is being held at the Racine County Fairgrounds at night. The course should be nice and lit up with neon lights to help navigate your way through the course! Should be a fun time! Sunday is my baby shower. Looking forward to seeing family and friends!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

30 Weeks

How far along? 30 Weeks
Sleep: Good, since I am tired all of the time!
Best moment this week: Going up north and spending a long weekend at the cabin!
Belly button in or out? My belly button is still “In” but it definitely doesn’t look the same anymore.
Wedding rings on or off? *NEW* Adding this category in this week! Rings are still on but have to come off when I am outside in the hot weather for a long period of time due to swelling.
Miss anything? Going out on the 4 wheeler and not having to worry about how many bumps I go over!     
Gender: BOY!!! Parker Torosian
 Symptoms: Movements are getting stronger. I can tell that things must be starting to get really tight in there for him since movements seem to be getting fairly strong and they seem to happen all over vs a particular spot. The other day I was laying down on my side somewhat and he kicked my ribs and it physically hurt to where I said “OWE” out loud. I’m not sure how much stronger he is going to get in the next 10 weeks, but I hope it’s not going to feel like it did when he kicked my ribs! My belly has also started to itch quite a bit so I make sure to put lots of lotion on the growing belly.
This week baby is the size of a: large cabbage
Baby’s development this week: Eye are continuing to mature. Babies are mostly born with a vision of 20/400 which means he can only see objects a few inches from his face.  He should measure to about 16 inches and weigh about 3 lbs.
Feeling (Happy, Moody, other):  Excited!

Looking forward to: 7 month check up tomorrow, May 28. After this appointment, I’ll start going every 2 weeks. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

29 Weeks

How far along? 29 Weeks
Sleep: Good, since I am tired all of the time!
Best moment this week: My best moment this past week has been soaking up the warmer weather and sunshine and getting the crib set up
Food cravings this week: Rice Krispy treats
Belly button in or out? My belly button is still “In” but it definitely doesn’t look the same anymore.
Miss anything? This week I miss being able to easily go for a ‘normal’ walk. A normal walk consists of a walk over 1 mile and not getting so tired, as well as not having to feel like I have to pee every 10 minutes!    
Gender: BOY!!! Parker Torosian
 Symptoms: Lots of movement!! Movements seem to have gotten pretty strong lately. He seems to hang out right where my bra wire and belly meet & also by my ribs which make it really uncomfortable when he’s moving around. If you watch closely you can see my belly move or poke out where he is moving. Since being pregnant I wasn’t too fond knowing that something is living & moving inside my belly, but I have actually grown quite fond of feeling him move. It’s not the most comfortable feeling by any means, but I take comfort in knowing that he is moving and doing ok. I get very worried when I don’t feel him for a long period of time and begin to slightly panic over the thought that something could be wrong. I realize in those moments just how attached I am to this little guy and we haven’t even met each other yet.  
This week baby is the size of a: Butternut Squash
Baby’s development this week: Muscles and lungs are continuing to mature. His head is also growing bigger for his developing brain.  He should measure to about 15 inches and weigh about 2 ½ lbs.
New baby items (purchased or received):  I ordered a moose rug and a black bear decoration/knick knack. The head on the moose rug is about the size of Sasha! (Pictures below)
Feeling (Happy, Moody, other):  Excited! 11 weeks doesn’t seem so far away, but when I think that I still have to finish May, and then go through June & July then that makes 11 weeks seem so far away.   

Looking forward to: This weekend, Memorial Day weekend! Headed up north to the cabin for a long weekend! Weather is expected to be in the 70’s with a low of 50’s! Perfect weather to be at the cabin.
Black Bear knick knack. 

Moose Rug. I had Lacey lay on the rug just so you could see howl large the moose rug is. Also can you find Sasha in this picture???? She is hiding!  You'll notice a little face to the right of Lacey's front paws and hiding under the blue blanket! 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Look what came yesterday!!!

Helping dad set up the crib! 

Finished product! 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

28 Weeks = 7 Months

How far along? 28 Weeks = 7 months!
Sleep: I’m starting to have a hard time getting out of bed!
Best moment this week: Got to see Parker on Friday May 9th! Another great moment this week is no more Placenta Previa!!! Woo hoo.   
Food cravings this week: Ice cream and sherbert. (Not together)
Belly button in or out? My belly button is still “In” but it definitely doesn’t look the same anymore.
Miss anything? Cutting grass! It’s weird that I miss this since we have to do it so often, but I do enjoy getting on the mower and cutting grass for a few hours.   
Gender: BOY!!! Parker Torosian
 Symptoms: Lots of movement!!
This week baby is the size of a: large Eggplant
Baby’s development this week: This week he is able to open and close his eyes for blinking.  He should measure to about 14.8 inches and weighs 2lbs 1/4oz.
New baby items (purchased or received):  Ordered the crib! Can’t wait to get it set up once it arrives!  I received a call this morning and the crib is in!! YAY Now to track down a carpenter who can help get it set up! Anyone know where I can find one?! J   
Feeling (Happy, Moody, other):  Getting really anxious!
Looking forward to: Getting the crib set up!
Other Things Going On:  What an eventful week this past week!! On May 9th CJ and I went in for my follow up ultrasound, where we received great news! My Placenta Previa has moved upwards no longer putting me at high risk for bed rest! The ultrasound person did a full scan of baby and everything is looking good and he is expected to weigh about 2lb 4oz. YAY! I also requested for one of those 4D ultrasounds, which will allow you to see actual facial and body parts. From looking at the picture, I think baby may have CJ’s mouth, the rest of the features are too hard to tell whose parts he has! He’s pretty snug in my belly, so when you see the picture that I posted, you will see half of his face, plus his left arm, and a foot up near his face. At one point he had both feet up by his face and was even sucking on a toe…I do not have a picture of that pose.

Saturday, May 10th, CJ and I attended an all day baby class. We learned the sings of labor, ways to cope with making labor more comfortable by being in different positions (laying on the side, rocking on an exercise ball, walking, etc), what to expect during the labor process, delivery, postpartum, and newborn care. The class was pretty helpful to both of us as there were things that we both did not know. I personally am a little scared of the labor and delivery process because I do not know what to expect. I learned that just because your water breaks, it does not mean you are in labor & you need to rush to the hospital. I also did not know that just because you are 10 CM dilated and are pushing, it does not mean that baby will be here in a couple of pushes, but could take up to a couple hours! I guess ‘in the movies’ they make it seem like once your water breaks, you are going to have a baby, and a couple of pushes they are here! By the end of the class I now feel a bit more prepared for any medical decisions CJ and I need to make once we get closer to Parker’s arrival.  

CJ and I also now have a new permanent resident in our house. Her name is Sasha and she is 1 year old, very sweet, loves to play with Lacey, and likes to snuggle. Yes, we now have a new furbaby in our house. Zach and Kaylee (CJ’s brother and sister in law) were blessed with Cooper’s arrival in late February this year, but it turns out they believe that Cooper may be allergic to Sasha. Since Grandma and Grandpa Torosian were in California visiting Cooper, they were easily able to bring Sasha back to WI with them. It’s been a bit of an adjustment having another dog in the home and learning each other’s routine, but each day seems to be getting a little easier. I have never had a little dog before so I am learning how to care for a dog that is 3x smaller than Lacey and have to be more conscious about where I’m stepping so I don’t accidentally step on her. Lucky for us Lacey has been a pretty good teacher so far in helping out  with the daily routines such as when to eat, when to go in the kennel, and when to go outside. Sasha was pretty skiddish of Lacey at first, but each day they both seem to get a bit more playful with each other. Lacey is all tuckered out from playing! 

This past Sunday I celebrated my first ‘semi official’ Mother’s Day this year. Other years I have just been a fur baby mom to Lacey! For Mother’s Day, CJ made me a wine rack made out of a wooden pallet to hang in our kitchen. I’ve been asking him to make one for me for quite a while. I’m excited that I finally got one even though I will not be enjoying any wine for a couple months yet.  Mine is a bit bigger, but I posted the “Pinterest” version as an example, plus mine has not been hung yet!